
Verification statuses

Each email address can have one of five statuses:
Not verified – the address was recently added to the list and has not been processed yet.
Valid – the address has successfully passed all verification options.
Invalid – the address failed at least one of the checks.
Indefinite - Email Verifier cannot determine if the address is valid or invalid. For example, it is possible if the Catch-All option is enabled on the email server, i.e. the server is ready to receive an email for any recipient. This status does not mean that an email sent to this email address will not be 100% delivered.
Disposable – the mailbox is located on the email server that provides disposable email service, for example, 10minutemail, Tempmail, Mailnator, Guerrilla.
If you need to manually change the status, select the desired email addresses and click the Status button in the toolbar:
The statuses are saved in the project file. When exporting, you can choose a status of email addresses to be saved.