
Automatic unsubscribing

Your recipients can unsubscribe by clicking the link in the email body.
If you added an unsubscribe link to the email (it can be done by clicking the button on the Message tab or manually by inserting the %UNSUBSCRIBE% tag in the link href), the recipient will see the link:
The recipient who clicks this link will go to our server that will record the unsubscribe request. To connect to the server and download the addresses of the recipients who requested unsubscribe, click the Syncronize button (this synchronization is performed automatically at program startup and hourly).
Note: Synchronization is performed for all existing mailing lists at once.
If new requests have been received, the message will be as follows:
Unsubscribed contacts will be immediately marked with a red flag ():
Such contacts will no longer receive emails. To view the unsubscribe history for the current mailing list, click the Unsubscribe button in the toolbar.