How to extract contacts from Yelp with LetsExtract

Yelp is the largest directory of local businesses.

Yelp is not available in all countries (there are currently localized versions of Yelp for 111 countries). The most popularity this directory has in the United States. Companies are grouped by categories (cafes, restaurants, shops, beauty salons, etc.), there is also social networking functionality (you can “like”, rate, share reviews with friends, etc.).

Note 1: Yelp changes the code of pages quite often, we keep track of this and update LetsExtract within a few days after the changes appear. If you don’t have the program working properly, try updating to the latest version. If this does not work, please contact technical support.

Note 2: Phone extraction is disabled by default. You can enable it in the “Phone & IM Settings” tab of the program’s Preferences window.

  • Always up-to-date information
    LetsExtract uses Yelp to extract contacts as well as links to the companies’ websites. The program then goes to those sites and extracts phone numbers, email addresses and other data directly from them.
  • No limitations
    We don’t charge for each email address or phone number found. Buying LetsExtract will give you access to free updates (And Yelp is being updated quite often).

A free trial version of the Contact Extractor program is available for download on our website.


To launch Yelp parser, click “ search” button.

Specify to start the search:

  • Keyword – specify a business category just like you would on (Example: cafe, hair salon).
  • Region – select your country and language.
  • City – specify the name of the city where you want to search for the above keyword (Optional).
Yelp sample keywords and settings

In this example, we will collect the contacts of restaurants located in New York. Let’s specify: the key word – restaurant, Country: United States, City: New York. Then click “OK”.

LetsExtract will send a request to Yelp and get the list of restaurants. If a corporation has a site, the program will open it and try to find contacts.

Change the value of Crawl Depth to specify LetsExtract how many pages of the place’s website should be downloaded. The default value Crawl Depth = 1, which means that LetsExtract will only load a page with a link from Yelp search results, and all the pages it links to.