How to extract contacts from Whois

LetsExtract allows you to extract email addresses, phone numbers and addresses from a Whois database.

What is Whois?

Whois is a protocol that allows you to extract information about the owner of a domain. This information includes the domain owner’s email address, contact phone number, address, the date when the domain was registered and the date the registration expires. The information can be stored both on a central server and directly on the server where the domain was registered.

How Whois Contact Extractor works

All you have to do is specify a list of domains to check. LetsExtract will send queries to the central server for a particular domain zone (.com, .org, .net, etc.). If there is no information on the central server, the program will address the server where the domain was registered. LetsExtract Email Studio will extract this information and display it on the Results tab.

  • Supports all domain zones
    We regularly update our lists of central Whois servers
  • High speed
    LetsExtract works in multi-threaded mode
  • Proxy support
    LetsExtract supports HTTP proxies
  • Saving and Exporting
    The found results can be saved in the CSV file format or can be exported to Excel
  • Built-in validator
    The found email addresses can be validated using the built-in Email Verifier.
  • No limitations
    We don’t charge for the number of found email addresses/phone numbers

A free trial version of the Contact Extractor program is available for download on our website.

Example of use

  1. Run Whois Extractor and insert a list of domains to check:
Whois search
  1. After you click the “Start” button, LetsExtract begins its work of extracting email addresses and other information. You can track this process on the Queue tab and see the results on the Results tab:
Found emails and phones
  1. Once the process is completed, you can process the list through the Results menu or save the results.
  2. Since contact information is often protected by Private Person, we recommend using an email verification program to remove invalid or erroneous emails. Of course, you can use our Email Sender program if you need to start a mailing.

Note: By default, LetsExtract only extracts email addresses. To enable phone number extraction click the Phone & IM Settings tab in the program’s Settings window.